Your online sexologist

Start your online psychosexological journey in three simple steps
Find the right consultant for you
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Request availability
Fill out the form, indicating your preferences. The selected professional will contact you to arrange your first appointment
Decide whether to continue
You will be able to decide how long to continue the online sex counseling.
Find the right consultant for you
An intuitive and secure online consultancy service
Personalized itineraries
Flexible bookings
Ease of booking
Continuous assistance
Easy and secure payments
A carefully selected team
Complete autonomy
Direct contact with your consultant
Here are some of the topics we are experts in:
Sexual function disorders
- Vaginismus
- Dyspareunia
- Premature/Delayed Ejaculation
- Anorgasmia
- Arousal disorder
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Sexual aversion
- Low libido
Learn more about sexual function disorders ->
- Sexual sadism
- Sexual masochism
- Fetishism
- Exhibitionism
Learn more about paraphilias ->
Relationship and interpersonal problems
- Restoring self-esteem
- Abusive dynamics
- Barriers to Intimacy
- Sexual expectations and needs
- Sexual communication
- Emotional consequences of abuse
- Restoring Self-Esteem After Abusive Relationships
- Recognizing and addressing toxic relationships
- Emotional dependence
- Jealousy and insecurity in the relationship
- Overcoming Betrayal and Rebuilding Trust
- Differences in sexual desire
- Long distance relationships
- Conflict and misunderstanding management
- Communication in the couple
Learn more about relationship and couple problems ->
General concerns and difficulties
- Performance anxiety
- Phobia of physical contact
- Psychological impact of negative experiences
- Overcoming Sexual Abuse
- Consent and communication
- Anxiety and insecurity
- Sexual education for children
- Acceptance of your body
- Myths and Misconceptions About Sexuality
- Sexuality and Spinal Injuries
- Sexuality and motor disabilities
- Effects of chronic diseases
- Impact of menopause on sexuality
Learn more about general sexual concerns and difficulties->
Sexual orientation
- Confusion about sexual orientation
- Bisexuality
- Dealing with social difficulties
Learn more about sexual orientation ->
Gender Identity
- Gender dysphoria
- Transgender and Transsexual Issues
- Doubts about one's gender identity
Learn more about gender identity ->
Why do an online sexology consultation:
Understand your body's needs better
Sometimes, it can be difficult to understand exactly what you need to feel sexually satisfied. An online sex counseling can be a valuable help in the journey of knowing yourself and your sexual well-being .

Improve your sexual well-being
With an online sex consultation, you can explore your fantasies and favorite stimulations in a safe and comfortable way, without judgment or shame. Getting in touch with the real needs of our body allows us to live intimate experiences with more well-being and security.

Increase your self-esteem in intimacy
Studies show that knowing your body and your needs increases personal and sexual self-esteem . Greater self-esteem leads to experiencing greater intensity and well-being in intimacy , both personally and in relationships.

Improves communication between couples
A course of couple therapy can help you communicate better within your relationship, discover each other's real needs and what gives you the most pleasure in shared relationships. It can also be an excellent tool to rekindle the spark in your couple.

Supporto integrato per la tua salute intima
Green Vibes CARE nasce con una missione chiara: offrire un approccio completo e professionale alla salute intima e al benessere sessuale.
Lo facciamo combinando un servizio di consulenza psicosessuologica specializzata alla selezione di prodotti mirati per la riabilitazione genito-pelvica. Le nostre due anime lavorano insieme per accompagnarti verso una maggiore consapevolezza e benessere sessuale a 360 gradi.
Frequently Asked Questions
I want to understand better what I need.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to understand what you really want and what satisfies your preferences. The guidance of a sex psychologist can be a valuable help in the journey of knowing what you prefer and desire.
I want to experience new things and/or experience more emotions alone or in my relationship.
Getting in touch with the real needs of your body, as well as your fantasies and favorite stimulations, is essential to allow us to live experiences of intimacy, well-being and sensuality. Experimenting in your intimacy can be a fun and exciting activity, as well as useful for understanding your body. This can be done in a couple's path, as well as in an individual one.
I want to increase my self-esteem in intimacy.
As several studies show, knowing your body and your needs increases your self-esteem. Having greater self-esteem improves your sense of efficacy and leads to more experimentation in intimacy, both on a personal and relational level.
I want to rekindle the spark in my relationship.
Time, routine and habit can put a strain on intimacy within a relationship and can lead some people to feel bored and unstimulated, even when there are no problems in other areas. Online sex counseling serves precisely to provide new keys and tools to rekindle the spark, through couple or individual paths.
I'm in a new phase of my life and I want to rediscover myself.
When we enter new phases of our life (such as pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, andropause, etc.), it is possible to feel disoriented and to perceive that we have different needs. Being accompanied in this path of change or renewal can help us live these moments of our lives with serenity and satisfaction, learning to know our body again.
I feel like I can't fully experience my sexuality due to problems and discomforts.
Sometimes it can happen that our body does not respond to what we desire due to worries, anxieties, particular thoughts that put us in difficulty and make it complicated to live our sexuality in a healthy, free and passionate way. Our online sexology consultancy service can help you get to know your body and your real needs better, helping you to better deal with any problem or condition.
Every person is different, with their own unique and special characteristics. For this reason, we believe that the dimension of sexological counseling is the only one that allows a personalized and tailor-made meeting, a direct comparison between the person and the sexologist consultant that allows them to shape the path together, step by step.
Deepening together the unique needs of the person who requests online sex counseling allows us to find tailor-made solutions and activate resources that are already present in the subject, which only need to be understood together and stimulated.
Our counseling service can help you get to know your body and your real needs better, helping you to better deal with any problem or discomfort in the sexual sphere. If an ad hoc therapy is necessary, our professionals can direct you towards a longer and more structured path of psychology, sexology or psychotherapy.
We have chosen to offer online consultations because they are just as effective as live consultations¹, and they also have some additional advantages. Which ones?
They are custom built for you.
We choose consultants with different specializations and professional experiences so that we can respond to the unique requests and needs of each person. Through the initial questionnaire, we will immediately direct you to the most suitable professional for you!
They guarantee anonymity and privacy.
We know how delicate it is to talk about certain topics and how difficult it is to decide to tell your story in a consultation. Being able to talk to our professionals from the safety and tranquility of your own home, or wherever you feel most comfortable, can make the difference. All in total respect of privacy and professional secrecy on our part and that of our consultants.
They are more comfortable.
Online consulting allows us to reach professionals who are very far from us and from where we live, allowing us to find the right match for our needs. Furthermore, in the hectic lives we lead, it can be a relief not to have to deal with travel, traffic, chaos, and to be able to do our consultations from home, without stress. An internet connection will be enough. We'll take care of the rest. ¹
Although some progress has been made, sexual well-being is still a taboo that we cannot talk about freely. This has repercussions on the knowledge of our body and what we really need.
At Green Vibes we are convinced that, in order to feel good about ourselves and other people, it is necessary to listen deeply to our bodies, to know every nuance of them, freeing ourselves from the weight of prejudices and stereotypes. We need to get back in touch with our bodies and with the emotions that accompany us when we take care of ourselves or other people. Sometimes, we need to better identify what could give us more well-being and satisfaction.
Our counseling service can help you get to know your body and your real needs better, helping you to better deal with any problem or discomfort in the sexual sphere. If an ad hoc therapy is necessary, our professionals can direct you towards a longer and more structured path of psychology, sexology or psychotherapy.
Once you have filled out the questionnaire, you will need to register on our platform to find out which consultant we have chosen for you. You can then book an introductory consultation directly from your personal dashboard, selecting one of the availabilities indicated by your specialist.
The first introductory consultation is free, lasts 20 minutes and will help you better identify your needs, and present the path you can take together with the professional. Subsequent consultations have a discounted cost of 49 euros for individual consultations, and 59 for couples. You can decide from time to time whether to continue the path by booking your consultations directly, or interrupt it if you feel you have reached your goals.
If you wish to cancel or move your booking, you can do so free of charge within 24 hours of the consultation independently from your personal area.
To access the video call, simply enter your credentials in the link we will send you via email or by accessing your personal dashboard. The video chat system is integrated into the app and does not require the use of external platforms.
A note: this service includes a series of counseling sessions aimed at guiding the person in exploring the body, intimacy and desire and in understanding their own physical and emotional needs. Although the professionals who provide the counseling are specialized in psychotherapy, sexology and psychology, and registered with the respective Professional Orders, the service does not have medical-assistance purposes. If, during the counseling sessions, the professional is found to have a pathology and/or disorders of various kinds, the professional herself will accompany the user towards an appropriate path of psychology, sexology or psychotherapy.
For any doubts, write to us at